Vine tattoos are great for creativity of both the wearer and the artist. These beautiful little plants are also a symbol of growth, re-growth and harmony. However, the meaning does tend to vary depending on which type of vine you use.
One of the most frequently seen vine tattoos is of the ivy plant. To the Druids the ivy was seen as a symbol of determination; to Christians it is a symbol of man’s frailty, and his need to cling for support. Most ivy vine tattoos are done in a spiraling style up a leg or arm, you may even occasionally see this style growing up the back and shoulders. Given that ivy is a notoriously good grower, you could try something a little different, like wrapping it around a statue, cross, or even the legs, hips and arms of a pin up model. You could even use a single leaf, or whole vine of poison ivy to signify both beauty and danger.
Some people prefer a wider variety of color for their vine tattoos. For this you could use large clumps of fiery red Virginia creeper over a broad area of the body; delicate sprouts of purple, red, and pink and white sweet pea; or a creeping kudzu with its royal blue, or dark purple, and tail-like blossoms. Given the vast array available, your vine tattoos can be an explosion of colors, and feature any combination of these plants; they can be done in stripes down the back, they can be mingled together, or placed in their own individual part of the body.
Vine tattoos can be either simple, or elaborate. Many people prefer a monotone approach, sometimes with just a splash of color on the flower. These are often done in small, discreet patterns; a few flowing tendrils from a grapevine (a symbol of abundance), and maybe even a small, purple bunch of the fruit alongside of it. Other people like to create broad scenes with their vine tattoos; perhaps creating an Edenic garden, with angelic creatures walking through the variety of vines. This plant is also regularly used as borders or platforms to other images, and occasionally even texts, such as poems, quotes and book passages.
Although vine tattoos can depict a simple, green plant creeping up and around an appendage, they can also be used as part of an extraordinary picture. What’s more is that you will never be short of meaning and symbolism when you use these gorgeous plants in your art.
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